Temptation … has always karmic trends  by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru


I look at Mike … and i smile.

He just hates betrayal … even if i saw him betraying many times.

He betrayed in love relationships …. in business relationships … in all …

But today … he hates seeing any small sign … of betrayal.

And … i laugh of the reactions he has in front of any temptation … he sees at the souls close to him.

Somehow …. he sees future scenarios which are never going to happen … but he’s afraid of.

Seeing … sort of … something similar with the hallucinations.

I continue …. laughing.

But … i also start to understand that he is weak … in front of any type of temptation … and ….

Yes … he knows that right after temptation …. comes betrayal.

So … is so logical his reaction in front of any sign of … something that might change the dynamic of his life.

But … what Mike doesn’t know … or what he doesn’t like to accept is that … the temptation itself has karmic trends.

So … i just smile … analysing the life of my friend….

Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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